Find a Cycling Group

Find a cycling group in your area.

Roberttown Community Cycling Club

A social cycling club with a non-competitive, beginner-friendly ethos, riding three times a week from Roberttown Community Centre in Liversedge.

Pedlaz CC

Dewsbury-based cycling club with a strong community ethos, organising and taking part in a range of charity rides and events.

Fat Lad at the Back Social Ride

A novice-friendly Monday night social ride meeting at Birstall Market Car Park

Cycle Works Yorkshire Strava Club

Monthly no-drop rides with staff and customers from this popular Huddersfield bike shop.

Let’s Ride – Kirklees Riders Group

A British Cycling affiliated group with weekly Sunday rides of 16-20 miles, mostly off-road and suitable for hybrid/mountain bikes.

Tandem Trekkers

Tandem Trekkers is a cycling club that pairs visually impaired and sighted riders for tandem adventures across the north of England.

Hop On Cycling

Bradford-based inclusive cycling club with family rides, kids sessions and affordable bike sales.

Ravensthorpe Cycling Club

A cycling club with a long and rich history, including Tour de France legend Brian Robinson. Ravensthorpe Cycling Club has Saturday and Sunday club runs, ladies’ rides and lots of other social and racing activity.

Huddersfield CTC

Cycling UK group with relaxed pace led rides three times a week and annual away trips. Non-members are welcome to join for up to 5 rides.

Holmfirth CC

A friendly, inclusive road cycling club with a weekly club run including up to four different groups for different speed and fitness levels.

We welcome new submissions so if you have a cycling group, club or event to promote, please get in touch. We’re also happy to help with general enquiries about cycling in the area.